so i am back again ... after waiting for a long time weekend came ;) and believe it went away as it had never came :-p ... anyhow i still tried to enjoy the weekend taking into consideration that i had very less options with me .... as usual i woke up late on Saturday (this is the tradition which i am following with whole devotion ;) ) after getting up late i came to know that i had very less time left with me on saturday ... after getting ready we first completed our task of washing our clothes ... it wasnt that tough as we had washing machine :-D ... after completing that we had our food and then we left our flat in hope of spending some quality time in US ... when we came out of our apartment we headed towards the Light Rail station ... as we were on our mid way we say light train was heading towards the station ... we ran towards the sation and at that time i remebered the dialouge of movie "Amar Akbar Anthony" "... insaan aise to sirf do hi time bhagta hai .. ya to olympic ki race ho ya police ka case ho" .. i thought that this dialogue should be changed as we ran at such a speed to catch the train ... it was good of the train driver that he saw us running towards the train and he waited for us for sometime ... after boarding the train we took sigh of relief ... after reaching to "Tasman" station we got down and boarded other train which headed towards "The Great Mall" ... oops i forgot to mention that we had decided to visit "The Great Mall" as we had heard lot about it and thought of atleast giving visit to this place ... after we reached to "The Great Mall" station we had a look at the mall area ... after looking from outside i thought it was not that great sight as i had thought that it will be a huge building containing lot of shops so i was a bit disappointed ... but to my amazment i was proven wrong at the time when i kept my foot inside the mall. This mall is spread onto 15 acres and have near about 300 shops .... can u imagine this ... i was totally exhausted within 1 hour and still we had covered only 3 shops :-p ... we took a lil break in middle and continued our journey in exploring the mall ... this mall consists of various shops and have lot of offers ... we roamed for around 3 hours and had decided what all things to take and from which showroom ... so after this we decided to come out from the mall and head back to our apartment ... it was around 3:30 so sourav suggested that we should visit the temple which is located in Sunnyvale... so we planned to go to the temple and seek the blessings ... after waiting for some time we got the train back to "Tasman" .. after getting down at Tasman i thought that we will soon get the train to Sunnyvale ... but to my disappointment we had to wait for around 45 mins and after that we got the train to Sunnyvale ... after getting down to "Fair Oaks" station we walked towards the temple ... but sourav forgot the way to temple and we decided to search the temple and to our amusment we found the temple on next 100 mts ... after seeing from outside you will never imagine that its a temple ... this temple had statues of nearly all Gods and Goddess .... after spending some time in temple we headed back to our apartment ... it was around 6:30 and we very completely exhausted ... so had some snacks and then took rest for some time ... after getting up we prepared the food n had our dinner ... after this i didnt know when i went to sleep ... atlast it was a good Saturday .....
Next day was Sunday ... supposed to be Funday ... :-p woke up late on Sunday also and got ready to go towards Gilroy ... but we were not in mood of going anywhere and so thought of spending time at our apartment only ... i took rest for some time and then watched movie "andaz apna apna" ...
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Trip to US - Part 1
This was one of the experience which i waiting eagerly to have. I got this opportunity in the month of March and i was set to travel to US. I had done all the required shopping and was good to go. I had my flight to bangalore and my trip was having two halts before reaching the destination. First halt was Singapore and next was Hong Kong. As usual, my flight got late by an hour and when i told Amrita about this she said that this is a good sign for me as till now my every journey had got delayed so this couldn't be the exception :-p.
Atlast at 1 AM in morning i boarded my flight and had a good sleep in flight. When i woke up I was there ..to Singapore .. it was one of the most exciting moment of my life as i had never thought that i will get chance to visit any other country ... belive me .. i am and was not that excited to go outside India ... after getting down at the Singapore airport i got the proof of why ppl really admire Singapore a lot ... after taking our boarding tickets we decided to roam on the airport as we had nearly 2 odd hours with us ... so we started taking a trip of Singapore airport .. the airport is very well maintained and after having a
look at it only one thought came to my mind ... when will our cities become like this ... it was really a good experience and we had spend good amount of time roaming on the singapore airport ...

after this we boarded our plan to Hongkong ... We reached Hong kong in around 4 hours and we had 2 hours to spend over the airport so we decided to have one round of airport .. the airport over there is also nearly similar to that of Singapore ... neatly maintained and was still under construction ... after roaming for sometime we spend nearly 1 hour in chating with friends ... after this we boarded the plane to SFO ... the journey betn Hong kong and SFO is of around 12 hours and 12K kilometers .... i really got bored in the plane as we had to sit at the same place for around 12 hours ... i watched around 3 movies during this time period and had some good food and refreshments ...at around 1:25 PM on 29th March we landed to SFO and at last we were there ...we were in US .. a dream coming true for me ..... Rajan was waiting for me outside and i was too glad to see him after a long time ... after coming out of the airport (i think we had to wait around 1:30 hours in airport due to baggage collection and checking) we hired a taxi for our apartment ....I was happy that Rajan came to receive me ... after reaching to our apartment we spent some time doing TP .... after this we decided to goto Rajan's apartment and so we again hired a taxi and went over to Rajan's place. After surfing the net for some time we went out for dinner to Indian restaurant in Rajan's car ... had a good food and was happy that we will get indian food in US ... after this we came back to rajan's place and then watched "One two three" movie and then had a good sleep... woke up around 10 AM and then had breakfast and watched "RACE" ... after this we went for some shopping and got all the required food items ... after this Rajan drove us back to our apartment ....we prepared some food and then went to sleep.....

look at it only one thought came to my mind ... when will our cities become like this ... it was really a good experience and we had spend good amount of time roaming on the singapore airport ...

after this we boarded our plan to Hongkong ... We reached Hong kong in around 4 hours and we had 2 hours to spend over the airport so we decided to have one round of airport .. the airport over there is also nearly similar to that of Singapore ... neatly maintained and was still under construction ... after roaming for sometime we spend nearly 1 hour in chating with friends ... after this we boarded the plane to SFO ... the journey betn Hong kong and SFO is of around 12 hours and 12K kilometers .... i really got bored in the plane as we had to sit at the same place for around 12 hours ... i watched around 3 movies during this time period and had some good food and refreshments ...at around 1:25 PM on 29th March we landed to SFO and at last we were there ...we were in US .. a dream coming true for me ..... Rajan was waiting for me outside and i was too glad to see him after a long time ... after coming out of the airport (i think we had to wait around 1:30 hours in airport due to baggage collection and checking) we hired a taxi for our apartment ....I was happy that Rajan came to receive me ... after reaching to our apartment we spent some time doing TP .... after this we decided to goto Rajan's apartment and so we again hired a taxi and went over to Rajan's place. After surfing the net for some time we went out for dinner to Indian restaurant in Rajan's car ... had a good food and was happy that we will get indian food in US ... after this we came back to rajan's place and then watched "One two three" movie and then had a good sleep... woke up around 10 AM and then had breakfast and watched "RACE" ... after this we went for some shopping and got all the required food items ... after this Rajan drove us back to our apartment ....we prepared some food and then went to sleep.....
Monday, February 25, 2008
ase jivan jagle pahije
आयुष्याच्या अल्बममध्ये
आठवणींचे फ़ोटो असतात .
आणखी एक कॉपी काढायला
निगेटिव्ह्ज मात्र शिल्लक नसतात .
गजर तर रोजचाच
आळसाने झोपले पाहिजे,
गोडसर चहाचा घोट घेत
टॉम अँड जेरी पाहिल पाहिजे .
आंघोळ फ़क्त दहा मिनीटे?
एखाद्या दिवशी तास द्या,
आरशासमोर स्वतःला
सुंदर म्हणता आल पाहिजे .
भसाडा का असेना
आपल्याच सुरात रमलं पाहिजे ,
वेडेवाकडे अंग हलवत
नाचणंसुद्धा जमलं पाहिजे.
गीतेचा रस्ता योग्यच आहे .
पण एखादा दिवस पाडगावकराना द्या,
रामायण मालिका नैतिक थोर
"बेवॉच" सुद्धा एन्जॉय करता आली पाहिजे.
कधीतरी एकटे
उगाचच फ़िरले पाहिजे,
तलावाच्या काठावर
उताणे पडले पाहिजे.
संध्याकाळी मंदिराबरोबरच
बागेतसुद्धा फ़िरलं पाहिजे .
'फ़ुलपाखरांच्या' सौंदर्याला
कधीतरी भुललं पाहिजे.
द्यायला कोणी नसलं
म्हणुन काय झालं ?
एक गजरा विकत घ्या
ओंजळभरुन फुलांचा नुसता श्वास घ्या.
रात्री झोपताना मात्र
दोन मिनीटे देवाला द्या,
एवढ्या सुंदर जगण्यासाठी
नुसतं थॅंक्स तरी म्हणा!
आठवणींचे फ़ोटो असतात .
आणखी एक कॉपी काढायला
निगेटिव्ह्ज मात्र शिल्लक नसतात .
गजर तर रोजचाच
आळसाने झोपले पाहिजे,
गोडसर चहाचा घोट घेत
टॉम अँड जेरी पाहिल पाहिजे .
आंघोळ फ़क्त दहा मिनीटे?
एखाद्या दिवशी तास द्या,
आरशासमोर स्वतःला
सुंदर म्हणता आल पाहिजे .
भसाडा का असेना
आपल्याच सुरात रमलं पाहिजे ,
वेडेवाकडे अंग हलवत
नाचणंसुद्धा जमलं पाहिजे.
गीतेचा रस्ता योग्यच आहे .
पण एखादा दिवस पाडगावकराना द्या,
रामायण मालिका नैतिक थोर
"बेवॉच" सुद्धा एन्जॉय करता आली पाहिजे.
कधीतरी एकटे
उगाचच फ़िरले पाहिजे,
तलावाच्या काठावर
उताणे पडले पाहिजे.
संध्याकाळी मंदिराबरोबरच
बागेतसुद्धा फ़िरलं पाहिजे .
'फ़ुलपाखरांच्या' सौंदर्याला
कधीतरी भुललं पाहिजे.
द्यायला कोणी नसलं
म्हणुन काय झालं ?
एक गजरा विकत घ्या
ओंजळभरुन फुलांचा नुसता श्वास घ्या.
रात्री झोपताना मात्र
दोन मिनीटे देवाला द्या,
एवढ्या सुंदर जगण्यासाठी
नुसतं थॅंक्स तरी म्हणा!
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Take this Seriously
Dear Friends,
I have experienced worst incident of my life and specially in bangalore last friday night. Myself and my friend went for a walk on friday night at around 10:30 PM. The road was empty and nobody else was there on road. While returning back to our flat 3 persons came across over way and then they hold both of us (me and my friend) and started searching our pockets. He found my mobile in pocket and he took away that one. He tried to search other pocket also but we resisted so he didnt searched and then left us and ran away. It was our luck that we didnt brought our wallets with us at night else we might have got robbed even more.
So my request to all of u .. take care & be careful while using mobile or any other gadget on the road and while walking on roads during night.
By writing this blog i want to ask u all to be aware while going along on roads of bangalore as bangalore is not the safer place to survive. I just want all of you to be careful on Bangalore roads as it is becoming more and more unsafe everyday.
I prefer following Dos and Donts which everyone shuld take care of (Which i am going to follow now onwards) :
1) Dont talk on ur mobile while ur walking. This will attract the gundas towards u and u will become prey of them.
2) Dont go out at night alone. (10pm plus is dangerous as u can fall prey to potential rabblerousers and robbers)
3) Dont carry much cash.
4) Dont carry ur credit and debit cards.
1) Always go in group.(A group means 3+; from my exp 2 ppl are no match against chakku and gundas)
2) Keep minimum cash along with u while going out.
3) If you are working in office for late hours in night then ask for doorstep drop by company cab.
I have experienced worst incident of my life and specially in bangalore last friday night. Myself and my friend went for a walk on friday night at around 10:30 PM. The road was empty and nobody else was there on road. While returning back to our flat 3 persons came across over way and then they hold both of us (me and my friend) and started searching our pockets. He found my mobile in pocket and he took away that one. He tried to search other pocket also but we resisted so he didnt searched and then left us and ran away. It was our luck that we didnt brought our wallets with us at night else we might have got robbed even more.
So my request to all of u .. take care & be careful while using mobile or any other gadget on the road and while walking on roads during night.
By writing this blog i want to ask u all to be aware while going along on roads of bangalore as bangalore is not the safer place to survive. I just want all of you to be careful on Bangalore roads as it is becoming more and more unsafe everyday.
I prefer following Dos and Donts which everyone shuld take care of (Which i am going to follow now onwards) :
1) Dont talk on ur mobile while ur walking. This will attract the gundas towards u and u will become prey of them.
2) Dont go out at night alone. (10pm plus is dangerous as u can fall prey to potential rabblerousers and robbers)
3) Dont carry much cash.
4) Dont carry ur credit and debit cards.
1) Always go in group.(A group means 3+; from my exp 2 ppl are no match against chakku and gundas)
2) Keep minimum cash along with u while going out.
3) If you are working in office for late hours in night then ask for doorstep drop by company cab.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
What I've Learned About Friendship
- I've learned that there are many good friends around, but true best friends are hard to come by.
- I've learned that sometimes you love a best friend more than a girlfriend.
- I've learned that a best friend is more important than a girlfriend.
- I've learned that you can do something or nothing with a best friend and still have the best time.
- I've learned that a true friendship has many memories, both good and bad, but all important.
- I've learned that sometimes the most used part of a best friend is the shoulder you cry on, and the shoulder you are willing to lend.
- I've learned that when a best friend is happy, you find yourself happy too, even when it has nothing to do with you.
- I've learned that a best friend's family soon feels like your own.
- I've learned that the only one who truly understands is a true friend.
- I've learned that nothing ever sounds stupid, funny, or unbelievable to a best friend, and you never feel stupid saying whatever it is.
- I've learned that sometimes it feels like a best friend is the only one who will ever care about you and think you are beautiful in your own way.
- I've learned that you always have that something extra to give to a best friend in need, and can count on that in return.
- I've learned that your heart is forever touched by a true friend, no matter how things end up.
- I've learned that when your heart has been broken, a best friend is the best band-aid for it.
- I've learned that a best friend will call you in the middle of the night to talk without thinking, and it's OK.
- I've learned that in many cases, a hug and a kind word from a best friend is the only thing that helps get you through the day.
- I've learned that a best friend would stick up for you no matter what the consequences are.
- I've learned that best friends can sing at the top of their lungs and not worry about singing the wrong words or being out of tune.
- I've learned that best friends stay up all night and on the phone for hours talking without even realizing it.
- I've learned that a best friend can tell the difference between a silly crush, and more than that.
- I've learned that sometimes a best friend is all you have.
- I've learned that sometimes you wonder how she knew, but then you realize that's just how close you are.
- I've learned that when you are true best friends, everyone else knows it.
- I've learned that, most importantly of all, best friends will always be best friends, no matter what is happening in their lives, where they are, or what they are doing. A best friend is irreplaceable. This is the most important thing I could have ever been taught by a best friend.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Making of a Chef
Today i am very excited as the last weekend was my most memorable weekend in b'lore till date. Well from where to start??? This is always a big question for me. So let me start by Friday night. On friday night, i watched GURU as had got some good review from my friends.... but frankly speaking i didnt like the movie for several reasons... nehow will not review the film so dont worry :p
Then had a good sleep and got up by 10 AM next morning ... too late for a person like me Well then went out for some shopping and then had a good lunch ..... Well you will say whats so exciting in this ...but hold on ... the real enjoyment starts now ..... after having lunch i thought of having some sleep ..... but thought of watching some movie so I switched on TV ... after some time amol came and he had not taken his lunch so he had brought maggi ..... so thought of preparing it and belive me i always enjoy cooking so i enjoyed preparing maggi for him ..... after preparing maggi we thought of preparing dinner ... but we had ordered tiffins so thought of postponing the plan.... then had dinner and watched TV for some time and went to sleep a lil early as compared to other days ... got up early next day i.e. sunday as had to goto temple... while coming from temple bought some milk and upma flour .... then went back to home and prepared tea for my roommates..... after having our tea we headed for our breakfast ..... prepared upma and was lil afraid as thought it will not upto the standards but after tasting it we came to know tht we have prepared well... then thought of having some sleep as the clock was showing 1 as timing .... this meant that we were not going to have our lunch on sunday ..... but how can we sleep and that also on sunday??? naah ...so myself and amol planned to go out to have some fruit juice .....when we were taking our juice idea for watching movie came into our mind so we headed towards forum ..... but as we had already thought..... tickets were not available so we went for some window shopping ... believe me ... every weekend we do shopping and really telling its crazy ...... so did shopping and then we thought of doing some shopping for night as we had planned to prepare dinner at home .... so we went for doing some shopping of food items...... when we reached their i called up my mummy and asked her what all things i will require ..... she said have u gone mad ... i said we are going to prepare dinner and she said ok and gave me the list of items which i would require for dinner.... after this we did the shopping and then left for our room again .... on way had some pani puri and then went to our flat ..... after taking some rest we headed for preparing the dinner ...... but as usual we had to make mistake as it was our first experience of cooking outside home..... after rectifying our mistake we started preparing our dinner ..... at start we prepare "dal tadaka" .... after that we prepared "masala bhath" and then we prepared tomato soup ....... frankly speaking i had a gala time while preparing the dinner ... after that we had our dinner and then we saw "Filmfare Awards" ..... also had a small photo session ;) .... in this way had a gr8 weekend and hoping that will enjoy every weekend in same fashion .......
Then had a good sleep and got up by 10 AM next morning ... too late for a person like me Well then went out for some shopping and then had a good lunch ..... Well you will say whats so exciting in this ...but hold on ... the real enjoyment starts now ..... after having lunch i thought of having some sleep ..... but thought of watching some movie so I switched on TV ... after some time amol came and he had not taken his lunch so he had brought maggi ..... so thought of preparing it and belive me i always enjoy cooking so i enjoyed preparing maggi for him ..... after preparing maggi we thought of preparing dinner ... but we had ordered tiffins so thought of postponing the plan.... then had dinner and watched TV for some time and went to sleep a lil early as compared to other days ... got up early next day i.e. sunday as had to goto temple... while coming from temple bought some milk and upma flour .... then went back to home and prepared tea for my roommates..... after having our tea we headed for our breakfast ..... prepared upma and was lil afraid as thought it will not upto the standards but after tasting it we came to know tht we have prepared well... then thought of having some sleep as the clock was showing 1 as timing .... this meant that we were not going to have our lunch on sunday ..... but how can we sleep and that also on sunday??? naah ...so myself and amol planned to go out to have some fruit juice .....when we were taking our juice idea for watching movie came into our mind so we headed towards forum ..... but as we had already thought..... tickets were not available so we went for some window shopping ... believe me ... every weekend we do shopping and really telling its crazy ...... so did shopping and then we thought of doing some shopping for night as we had planned to prepare dinner at home .... so we went for doing some shopping of food items...... when we reached their i called up my mummy and asked her what all things i will require ..... she said have u gone mad ... i said we are going to prepare dinner and she said ok and gave me the list of items which i would require for dinner.... after this we did the shopping and then left for our room again .... on way had some pani puri and then went to our flat ..... after taking some rest we headed for preparing the dinner ...... but as usual we had to make mistake as it was our first experience of cooking outside home..... after rectifying our mistake we started preparing our dinner ..... at start we prepare "dal tadaka" .... after that we prepared "masala bhath" and then we prepared tomato soup ....... frankly speaking i had a gala time while preparing the dinner ... after that we had our dinner and then we saw "Filmfare Awards" ..... also had a small photo session ;) .... in this way had a gr8 weekend and hoping that will enjoy every weekend in same fashion .......
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
"My life is just for friends.."
"My life is just for friends.."
I will never know the world if I am just alone, with no body speak to me, with no body invite me to the birthday party, to the cinema, to the "sale" market, and to anywhere..
I will never have a problem if I never fight with my friends, but I will always in trouble when I have no friends..
I will never feel happy or sad if I never share something together with my friends..
I will have nothing to remember if I just sit and sad because I have no friend
I will totally crazy if I don't have friends..
So please.. please.. Be my friend.. be my good friend, be my best friend.. past all events together.. please don't betray me..please don't make me dissapointed.. Please...
Just remember me if you want to share something, just call me if you are confuse who you can chat to, just take me go if you have no body to go somewhere, just order me to sing your song when you forget the words,
just invite me if you have a party and dont know who else you could invite..
Just always take a note of ME in your life.. now and forever.. from you
know me till you die..
Cause I am just a human being, who love to be loved and love to love my
I will never know the world if I am just alone, with no body speak to me, with no body invite me to the birthday party, to the cinema, to the "sale" market, and to anywhere..
I will never have a problem if I never fight with my friends, but I will always in trouble when I have no friends..
I will never feel happy or sad if I never share something together with my friends..
I will have nothing to remember if I just sit and sad because I have no friend
I will totally crazy if I don't have friends..
So please.. please.. Be my friend.. be my good friend, be my best friend.. past all events together.. please don't betray me..please don't make me dissapointed.. Please...
Just remember me if you want to share something, just call me if you are confuse who you can chat to, just take me go if you have no body to go somewhere, just order me to sing your song when you forget the words,
just invite me if you have a party and dont know who else you could invite..
Just always take a note of ME in your life.. now and forever.. from you
know me till you die..
Cause I am just a human being, who love to be loved and love to love my
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